
Josh and BradCommitment is commitment.  Period.  Not going to preach.  Just saying that when you give your word it’s supposed to be tight.  Otherwise, don’t do it.  Now there are the occasional times when it can’t be helped and your commitment has to be broken.  But let’s face it that’s not very often.

I was asked to do a small independent film last March and it was supposed to be shot in May.  Of course, things change with schedules, it being independent, but instead of May, it was pushed to June.  That meant that the time was going to be very close to my departure date to go back to Vancouver for nine months.  That’s a long time away and takes time to pack up and ship out. Continue reading


IMG_0228I’ve been away at a place that if five years ago you told me I would be going  I would have said no way.  But times have changed and I have become much more open to trying the unknown.  Fear is a very slippery slope and I always seem to go down that slope once too often.  The sheer thought of not being able to make my way in anything, be it making a living, making a life altering decision or just making a new raw food dish has, in the past, scared the bejesus out of me. Continue reading