Where do I begin? How do you express how you feel when your grandson enters this world? I know what it was like when my son arrived and didn’t think anything else would be that magical. But to see my son with his son is worth everything. To know that Alexander has grown into such a beautiful, kind person and to know he will share that with his son…well it doesn’t get better than that.
My daughter in law Stephanie also is a shining example of what a mother’s love can be. Every moment she was focused on bringing a child into the world healthy and safe. I am so proud of how these two young (and yes they are young) people have stepped up and become parents is very inspiring. Their love for each other will be passed on to this very lucky baby.
Desi Silva Cannon was born July 2nd at 12:11 coming in at 7 lbs and 12 ozs and 21 inches long with a full head of black hair just like his papa. Without sounding like Pollyanna I can’t believe the miracle that is birth. I look at Desi and he is perfect in every way. Amazing how nature steps up and does its job in such an incredible way.
I want this world to be perfect for Desi and I know that the world has a lot of work to do but knowing that he is surrounded by people who love him to the moon and back gives him a strong beginning. What else can you wish for in beginning your life?
So in the words of Winnie the Pooh, “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” Dream on, Desi, dream on. Love Grandma.