
“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.”  Rumi

My sister was here visiting me for a week.  Seems like a nice amount of time but then again seemed like moments.  We crammed in as much as we could so she could experienced everything Vancouver had to offer.

She hadn’t really had a trip since 2009 so I wanted it to be special.  We traveled to Vancouver Island and stayed at a lovely bed and breakfast by the water.  We dined with a group of people we didn’t know but soon realized how much we all had in common.  We met newlyweds, old married couples and boyfriends and girlfriends.  Each relationship was on a different level but all had something familiar just the same.

They all seemed to have their stories and although we were from such diverse backgrounds, we all ended up in an old barn with great food, bottles of wine and good conversation.  That made us a special clan for that night.  A brief moment in time when everything seemed right and the problems of our world seem to melt away.

Having to say goodbye after spending two quiet, blissful days seeing rainbows, beautiful Blue Jays and trees that seemed to be changing colors moment by moment to welcome in the fall was sad but hopeful.  We were able to appreciate all that we have which gives us the opportunity to experience life.  Wonderful, crazy life.

Finally I had to say goodbye to my sister.  Rumi’s words rang so true for me as I watched her drive off in the early morning hours.   I know in my heart and in my soul there is no separation.  For me, my sister, my traveling companion,  who made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt and who reminded me how important it is to have someone so close,  I will never say goodbye.



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