“Careful the things you say. Children will Listen. Careful the things you do. Children will see. And learn.”
Stephen Sondheim wrote a beautiful musical called “Into The Woods” and in it is a very poignant song called “Children Will Listen.” Those words from the song hold very true today. Our actions and our words are so important to our children. Especially now they need to feel safe and cared for even if we are afraid and unsure. We are all they have.
My son is 31 with a son who is almost 1. I love watching him take care of and protect his son and wife. These are uncertain times and a feeling of hope is all we have to cling to right now.
“Guide them along the way. Children will glisten. Children will look to you. For which way to turn. To learn what to be. Careful before you say, “Listen to me.” Children will listen.”
“Careful the spell you cast. Not just on children. Sometimes the spell may last past what you can see. Careful the tale you tell. Children will listen.”
In these times when spending time with family whether with or without children it’s hard sometimes to be aware of not listening. I think people don’t want you to solve their problems or ignore or minimize their feelings. They just want recognition, understanding, and acceptance.
I don’t think we need a pandemic to understand the importance of listening. Words are important but not everything. Sometimes it’s just your willingness to listen that speaks volumes.